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Welcome Banner Logo

A sanctuary in the heart of Manhattan’s West Village, St. Luke’s School is an independent day school serving Junior Kindergarten (pre-K) through Grade 8. Rooted in the Episcopal tradition, St. Luke’s welcomes students of all faiths and identities.

Our Mission

We ignite curiosity for the world and for learning.

We instill confidence to advocate for themselves and others.

We inspire courage to lead in service to our community, world, and future.

Learning with Joy. Leading with Heart.

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A young student sitting at a desk smiling at the camera.

Lower School

JK - Grade 4

Two students standing around a table doing work.

Upper School

Grade 5 - 8

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Building “A Place”
for Students

From nurturing pre-K childhood development activities, through a challenging yet balanced elementary and middle school curriculum, St. Luke’s School offers one of the very best private school academic programs in Manhattan. Along the St. Luke’s journey, students find a place in the classroom and beyond.

A place in the

Our rich and rigorous curriculum develops confident learners who are both independent and collaborative

A place at the

We intentionally embrace diversity, inclusion, and equity—every person has a place at the table and every voice is valued.

A place in the

Our ethical underpinning guides our children in nurturing their social consciousness and their ability to face challenges with grace, courage, and resilience as they go into the world.

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voices from our Community

Stay up to date with upcoming events and our newsletters, written by a different guest contributor each week



Dear St. Luke’s Community,

“Why do most people in Chinatown have the same hair?” This was a question that we heard in one of our classrooms the other day. For many adults, the initial response would be “Oh no. What should I say?” For us as early childhood educators, we seize upon the opportunity to use the curiosity that is posed by the child to create conversations and discussions about identity. At the core of identity work is the singular question: Who am I? 

Read the whole letter here.

-SLS Kindergarten Team

Dear St. Luke’s Community,

While the outdoors has been bitterly cold and windy, inside St. Luke’s School the warm fire of community, joyful work, and rekindled friendships burns brightly. I often say that I have the best job in the world—and I have no doubts that this is true. St. Luke’s is a special place. After two weeks away from our students, the adult community, and the hustle and bustle of the daily school day, the return brought into focus just how special we are...

Read the whole letter here.

-Tracy Fedonchik

Dear St. Luke’s Community,

Happy 2025!

When we last left each other in 2024, we experienced two exciting events: the first was Lessons and Carols, and the second was our first All-School Service Day. We punctuated the year by firmly grounding ourselves in the strength of our community and the enduring hopefulness of our mission...

Read the whole letter here.

-Tracy Fedonchik

Dear St. Luke’s Community,

As the story goes, a young boy was traversing through the airport with his grandfather when he saw James Bond waiting for a flight. Awestruck, the boy approached in the hope of getting 007’s autograph, which the British superspy dutifully, and charmingly, provided. However, as he glanced at his newly acquired signature, the boy’s elation quickly turned to confusion, and then to disappointment, when he saw that the name was that of a stranger - Roger Moore...

Read the whole letter here.

-Sam Marcus

Dear St. Luke’s Community,

In a moment of buoyancy and elation while we were away for Thanksgiving Break, I took a misstep and fell down the stairs as I headed to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants. In that moment, three things happened. First, I sprained my ankle and midfoot. Second, I was reminded how swiftly things can move from jovial to downcast. Third, and most importantly, I was able to get back up with the support of my friend.

Read the whole letter here.

-Ayesha Long


Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus




Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus